Raji Sundararajan

Actively seeking full-time opportunities • Graduate Student at University of Florida • Computer Science


I am actively seeking full time opportunities for December 2017 and beyond in the field of Computer Science. My main area of interest is web development and databases. I aim to use the knowledge gained both during my undergraduate studies and my graduate studies along with my work experience gained at internships to pursue a career in this field.

I am an extremely hard working person and always give my 100%. I thrive on responsibility and taking on leadership roles. I pride myself in having good organizational skills and friendly nature which helps me adjust anywhere.

Work Experience

CA Technologies, Santa Clara, California

Software Engineering Intern : June ‘17 to August ‘17

• Designed and coded robust automated load generation scripts and test cases for an AngularJS application used to test CA Technology’s Application Performance Management (APM) and generate user stories for the Gartner Magic Quadrant 2017 submission.

• Workload Automation using PhantomJS and Protractor framework. Configured build tools and end-toend testing by integrating with Jenkins.

• Professional software experience in regard with the software design, debugging, problem solving, documentation, continuous integration, and automation of build process.

Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd, Mumbai, India

Software Engineering Intern : May ‘15 to July ‘15

Designed and coded an Account Monitoring Tool in Java/Eclipse IDE with the following features :

• Monitoring transactions in bank accounts and raising alerts on accounts whenever necessary.

• User Interface using Swing and JFrame. Extracting properties and displaying necessary tabs using tabbed pane and reading XML files with data and inserting that into the database.


Gator Dialogue : JavaScript/ Node.js/ jQuery/ CouchDB/ HTML
• Web application to enhance dialogue between students and professors. Hosted on Heroku.
• Facility to create profile, ask questions and tag them, post answers, upvote and downvote answers.
• Separate professor login to validate answers. Additionally, leader board feature.

Campus Security : C#/ ASP.NET (MVC)/ HTML5/ JavaScript
• An interactive web application for providing users with statistical crime data in campuses.
• Search and advanced search features along with University wise ranking for each type of crime.
• Data trend generation and a crime reporting facility.

Internet Chat Application : Java
• Client – Server program to exchange messages as well as files. Unicast, broadcast and block cast options available for both messages and files. All active users at any point can be seen.

Trending Hashtag Tracker : Java
• System to find the n most popular hashtags appearing on social media such as Facebook or Twitter.
• Implementation of max Fibonacci heap to keep track of the frequency of the hashtag.
• Hashtable to hold the hashtag as well as the node where the frequency is stored.

Personal Website : JavaScript/ ReactJS/ HTML
• A simple web application that contains some blog entries along with pictures, also featuring a to-do list.

Personalized Multimedia-Based E-Learning through A Recommender Agent
• Recommendation engine that suggests multimedia formats along with suitable links by web crawling.
• User profile creation with determination of learning style.
• Collaborative recommendations based on learning style and learning preferences.

Website Designing Project : Java/ MySQL
• Creation of a movie website using concepts such as JDBC Connectivity, MySQL, Servlet, DHTML, CSS, HTML and JSP. Authorization and verification, links to watch trailers and read movie reviews, a quiz section and a feedback form.


University of Florida

Master of Science in Computer Science
GPA: 3.66/4.00
Expected graduation : Dec 2017/May 2018

College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering
GPA: 7.63/10.00


View Resume

Contact Raji


+1 917 285 4401